Top 10 Ad Networks to Monetize Your Website and Boost Earnings 2024

 Top 10 Ad Networks to Monetize Your Website and Boost Earnings Introduction: As a website owner, monetizing your platform through advertisements can be an effective way to generate revenue. By partnering with reliable ad networks, you can maximize your earnings while providing relevant content to your audience. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 ad networks that can help you monetize your website and boost your income. Google AdSense: Google AdSense is one of the most popular and widely used ad networks. It offers a user-friendly interface, a vast pool of advertisers, and a variety of ad formats to choose from. AdSense provides relevant ads based on your website's content and pays you for clicks or impressions. is a leading contextual advertising network that specializes in delivering targeted ads. It powers the Yahoo! Bing Network and offers high-quality ads with competitive rates. supports various ad formats, including display, native, a

Check out this adorable Bluetooth controller for the Nintendo Switch

8bitdo debuted a bunch of gaming controllers at E3 this week, but honestly, we only care about one. The Zero 2 is an adorable little Bluetooth controller that fits in the palm of your hand. It’s compatible with all sorts of systems, including desktop computers and Android devices, but the size makes it perfect for playing the Nintendo Switch on the go.

And as you can see by the “classic” color scheme above, the peripheral maker was clearly interested in evoking some serious Nintendo nostalgia, with a device that looks a lot like a Super Nintendo controller at first glance.

The Zero 2 sports four number buttons, select, start and a D-pad on the front, with L and R buttons up top, flanking a microUSB port. All have a solid click to them, though the company didn’t have a full operational unit we could play with (the controller isn’t coming out until the end of the year).

I suspect that the diminutive size means it won’t be ideal for long gaming marathons, but it does beat having to hold the Switch for an extended period. Better still, it can be connected to a keychain, so you’ll never lose the thing.

No pricing has been announced.

from TechCrunch



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